Founded on June 4, 1936, the Instituto Oncológico Nacional is a hospital specialized in the treatment of cancer. A leader in research and prevention in Panama. The ION is in fact the reference institution in oncology. Their goal is to provide excellent medical, social, and family care to the entire Panamanian population. They rely on the support of the community, as well as their highly qualified and committed staff.
On August 1st, our Latin America Manager had the opportunity to visit this institute.
Here is her testimony: “During my trip to Panama, I was honored to visit the Instituto Oncológico Nacional, which is a reference center in Panama. In this public center, the doctors are very involved and busy with their many patients, who come from all over the country for treatment.
I am grateful for the precious time that part given by the medical team: 2 oncologists and 3 radio manipulators.
We were able to present our French know-how in mammography, through the introduction of Medecom and Med Mammo. The team showed its interest mainly for two aspects: multimodality and time saving. Indeed, they particularly appreciated the fact of being able, from the same station, to visualize all types of images to be detected, coming from several different manufacturers, and not only mammograms.
The access to different functionalities such as hanging protocols display, the integration of PRIOR exams when they exist for comparison purposes, the quick organization of printing according to the needs and expectations. All in all, the wide range of tools allow to optimize their workflow and make them more productive.
In addition, they wanted to know more about the tomosynthesis tool, which would allow them to be more efficient while having better management of their storage on the PACS. Indeed, the tomosynthesis module facilitates rapid reading and selection of images of interest that can only be archived for follow-up.
This exchange was very constructive, the professionals seemed convinced and happy to have attended this presentation of our solutions. A great moment of sharing, very formative and moving.
Latin America Export Manager at Medecom

Pink October Month led the company Aurès Médical, in collaboration with the association IDRAK and the company Al Rayane Healthcare to organize the first breast cancer screening campaign in Bou Saada in Algeria. Our distributor Aurès was also able to count on the participation and support of Medecom for this event.
The day took place on October 29, 2022, under the aegis of Professor Mustapha Boubrit, world-renowned oncologist, followed by a symposium on breast cancer screening.
Several doctors from Algiers came to help: Dr. Mourad Bensiraj, radiologist, and Professor Brahim Banoumhani, oncologist.
This screening day was made possible thanks to the efforts of 8 radiologists, 2 oncologists, 10 general practitioners, a psychologist, 3 equipped ambulances, 3 mammography machines and 3 ultrasound machines.
More than 700 women were identified in the surrounding villages, at the gates of the desert, among them 120 were presented for the examinations. For this purpose, four ambulances were made available to relay the message and take the patients to the medical imaging centers.
Several centers were requisitioned to allow all these women to benefit from a free screening:
– The Hospital Rezik and Bachir eph
– The Imaging Center of Doctor Ouali
– The Sidi Thameur Clinic
– Rezig Elbachir Hospital in Bou Saada
Mammograms, breast ultrasounds and punctures were performed. For example, the Rezik Hospital and the Imaging Center of Dr. Ouali, have each performed 30 examinations in one day.
“This day was rich in emotions. It was impressive to see all these women, regardless of their background or condition, come for the first time to be screened. Women between the ages of 40 and 50 were the most numerous. Most of these patients left with peace of mind, while others will be taken in charge by the doctors in order to continue their medical course.
I was very happy to participate in this day with our Aurès distributor, to meet the medical staff but also very touched by the patients who came in such large numbers. The fight against cancer is everyone’s business.
Let’s mobilize, and not only in October!
Europe & Algeria Export Manager at Medecom
As part of our continuous improvement and to provide an ever more optimal user experience, our team of developers has created an advanced report management module. This module is available on all our diagnostic workstations (Med Mammo, Med Diag) and solutions accessible through a web portal (Web DP, Med Archive, Clipper).
This module allows you to create reports and manage their status, to dicomize them, but also to create templates by modality or type of exam. Indeed, we have tried to provide a complete module that facilitates and adapts to the user’s needs.
Each user can customize his templates with the practice headers, such as logo, as well as the name of the doctors. Then templates of current exams can be quickly selected. It is then already pre-filled and only specificities be added.
In addition, the report can easily be saved or pushed to an archive system or exported as a DICOM or PDF file to facilitate sharing actions with colleagues and/or patient.
All our solutions offer advanced functionalities, intuitive use and are designed for optimal workflow.

June 2022
AI at the service of radiologists for diagnostic assistance for the benefit of patients.
Click on the attached image to download the press release.
This partnership offers Medecom & Hera-MI the opportunity to join forces by proposing Med Mammo advanced diagnostic software for 2D mammography and tomosynthesis and the possibility to integrate Breast-SlimView diagnostic software.
This software allows, through the principle of negativation, to shed light on areas detected by the artificial intelligence algorithm as being at risk.
The radiologist who makes his diagnosis on Med Mammo then knows that he must focus on the indicated area.
Breast-SlimView IS CE marked.
Articles 2021
Filmed by France3 Picardie en May 2021 for an iCAD presentation
You can see a demonstration of our Med Mammo multimodality diagnostic workstation for mammography. It is vendor neutral. Med Mammo is installed with a CAD module that allows displaying the use of the Pro Found AI version of iCAD for diagnostic assistance.
The worklist is shown on the top screen. The PACS connection allows the integration of all past and present exams in the diagnostic workstation by pre-fetching. The various exams are then available on the diagnostic screens in the foreground, following standard or customized display protocols.
The Med Mammo CAD module allows the results compiled by iCAD’s Pro Found AI to be seen on the exams.
Contact us for more information.

Project in collaboration with ESIR – Ecole Supérieure d’Ingénieurs de Rennes
Topic: Identification of specific regions in mammography images
A group of 4 students, including Rémi Le Scolan, intern at Medecom, completed this project and were collectively rewarded with the 2020 industrial project award.
This type of collaboration allows us to carry out research and the development of new functionalities on our diagnostic workstation, such as Med Mammo. The entire Medecom team is also proud to contribute to the training of tomorrow’s young engineers through this commitment!

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