A full range of solutions for digital radiology.
Design your best suite for your radiology applications. All the following solutions are interoperable, are easily installed in complex IT environment and can be used together or as stand-alone solution.
Upgrade your software portfolio and improve radiologist’s workflow for even more efficiency.
2 Solutions availabe
- Web DP: Enter all patient’s data and send them as DICOM information to the modality
- ServerWL : Transform any patient list into a DICOM worklist
Acommodates easily spine & legs studies
- Same flat panel as the table installed in the tray
- Eases full body studies
- Wide range of accessories available for pediatric or disabled patients
- Pad to adjust height
- Collimater available to adapt to the area to be radiated
Multimodality & vendor neutral
- Optimized for DR & CR
- Designed to meet Tech & Radiologists needs
- Accommodates
- MPR module for CT Scanner & RMI images
- US & Fluoroscopy images
- Reports on the workstation
- DICOM & Paper Print available or module as CD Burner
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